Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Sunday Best

As with every Lord's day, I put on my Sunday best and walked on over to the Meeting at the Gates Gospel Atrium. I have been attending services there for about twenty years. Mama and Father used to drag...I'm sorry, to the Crosses of Zion Church, pastored by Lyton Amble. Due to the lengthy sermons at the Crosses of Zion, said pastor became known as Father Ramble. When I returned to d'Oasis after college, my first duty was to find a new place of worship.
I am a good Christian woman, but I have things to do. I like to go to a service, hear the word, sing some songs and get on about my Sunday. Yes, I know it's the Lord's day, as do we all. That is why so many d'Oasians choose to fellowship through much of the day within the confines of the local bakery and tea house, Eat It, Too.
Around 11:30 am, I made my way to Eat It, Too and found Meemaw, Teensy and Effie perched at our regular booth back by the corner. It's a little more private and lets us see who's comin' and who's goin'. We always pull up an extra chair for the occasional visitor to our booth. I found my place at the booth, next to Teensy, and added a warm greeting to my friends. I looked over to another table to see Caliope slaving over a landscape drawing. Her creations are just gorgeous.
Teensy was the first to pipe up with news from the community. She'd missed time with our visitor, Miss Carmen Newbury, as she'd gone on up to the Vegetable Market in New Topia with her cousin Siobahn Wiggins. Siobahn is a lovely gal and one of the best cooks in town, so Teensy happily invites Siobahn to her excursions involving the palate.
Teensy had been on the phone with Clarissa Crowter, telling her all they'd purchased at the Vegetable Market - which included a pair of lovely moccasins for working in the yard. Clarissa was happy to report that she'd finally been approved as a Notary Public. Clarissa was always looking for a way to get to know more d'Oasians and thought she'd spread her wings as a Notary Public. Up until now, I had been the only Notary Public in town - as assistant to the recently deceased mayor. I was glad to hand those sorts of duties over to Clarissa and made a mental note to give her a call of congratulations.
I had some exciting news for the girls, myself. On Friday, I had been to the beauty parlor for my bi-weekly set and had run into Miss Pearl Nova Hasselbeck. She was getting her little mustache bleached - crosses to bear. Well, Pearl told me that her daddy had finally decided to erect a slide which would deposit thrill seekers into Hasselbeck Pond. I'd been hinting to Mr. Hasselbeck for years that more people would visit his lovely place if there were more outlets for recreation. With this news from Pearl, I'd been wondering if perhaps it was time for a d'Oasis Department of Tourism. Now that ours was the only pond for miles with a slide, we could advertise the advantages of outside play in our sweet burgh.
Effie was concerned about the safety of said slide and I assured her that I had made the same inquiries. I also hinted to Effie that there me be a position for her within the d'Oasis Department of Tourims but I was still working out the details. Pearl'd told me that her daddy paid special attention to all facets of safety in the construction of the slide and was even considering hiring a lifeguard for the spring and summer seasons. That could be a great opportunity for one of the boys up at the high school.
The next bit of community news came from Meemaw. She usually likes to go last when we're fellowshipping around the booth at Eat, It Too. Today, I could tell that she was biting at the bit. She had the special glint in her eye. Meemaw finally got to report that she saw a mover van pull into the Tatum's driveway the previous evening - across the street from her - and that Miss Janis Dikinson Tatum had returned to d'Oasis. J.D., as we call her, is a bit of a celebrity in d'Oasis. In high school, she was Homecoming Queen ten years to the day after Ginny Sarah Beth Pickles had been crowned. After graduating, J.D. announced that she was going off into the world to seek her fortune. She found success as a model in Tunicah, Mississippi and would send money home to her folks now and again. The Tatum's had used the money to adopt three lovely girls from China. I would give you their names but I cannot pronounce them, much less write them. Those cute little babies had been abandoned in that faraway land and the Tatum's gave them hope thanks to their beauty of an eldest daughter.
Meemaw had called Mrs. Tatum this morning to ask on J.D. and Mrs. Tatum was excited to relay the news that J.D. returned and had been taken on as the weather girl for WDOA, Channel 8 "On the Ball." All of this news from Meemaw just made us dizzy and excited. A celebrity returns home and makes good.
By this time, I'd gotten a bit full from all of the coffee. I'm not really a tea drinker. Thank the Lord they have a good strong coffee at the Eat It, Too. I politely excused myself from the booth and told the girls I'd see them around 6:30 pm at the Dizzy Bubbles for the weekly canasta tournament. As you know, canasta's not the most exciting thing in the world, so I don't feel the need to put into print what happens at the Dizzy Bubbles on a Sunday evening....except there's the occasional accusation of cheating, but it IS just a game after all.
Until tomorrow....don't be Tacky....Peggy!

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